Our lab has a triaxial deformation apparatus from New England Research. This rig can apply confining pressures up to 400 MPa, fluid pressures up to 200 MPa, and temperatures up to 300 °C. Such a range allows us to measure frictional properties of fault gouge at seismogenic zone conditions. We most commonly use an L-block sample configuration, which is essentially a small fault that we fill with gouge and then displace while under pressure. Sample-mounted LVDTs allow us to directly measure sample displacement.

Rapid Heater
Our rapid heating apparatus, specially designed and fabricated for us by Leeman Geophysical, is used to investigate processes that occur when fault rocks experience rapid frictional heating during earthquake slip. The rig is capable of sustaining temperatures to 800°C over a few minutes, and pressures of 10s of MPa so that fluids can be present during reaction. The unique design allows the furnace to get to temperature before being clamped on the reactor. Cooling blocks rapidly bring the reactor back down to room temperature. To date, we have been developing the kinetics for biomarker reaction, mineral dehydration, and Argon degassing.