ES 11: Earthquakes
This general education course covers the causes and effects of earthquakes. We discuss how to we measure, mitigate, and try to predict earthquakes. Major topics include plate motion, frictional faulting, earthquake triggering, wave propagation, earthquake damage, tsunamis and volcanoes. Class includes one full day weekend field trip to the San Andreas Fault and weekly labs.
ES 110C: The Dynamic Earth
This required course for majors provides a rigorous introduction to geophysics by studying the Earth from the crust to the core. Along the way, we cover the major theoretical tools of geophysics: gravity, elasticity, fluid dynamics and heat transfer. Weekly labs focus on fundamental physics by measuring the rheology of common household materials or observing the waves on the beaches of Santa Cruz. Multivariable calculus and introductory physics are prerequisites.
ES 112: Practical Geophysics
Hands-on practice analyzing real-life observational data including earthquake catalogs, seismograms, gravity, and GPS data. Emphasis on data collection, and access and manipulation skills. Introduction to MATLAB programming included.
ES 266: Geological Signal Processing
Digital signal processing is a central skill for modern geoscientists. We begin with a formal development of Fourier analysis and move on to practicalities of filter design, spectral decomposition and instrument deconvolution. Exercises are based in MATLAB and involve analysis of real data.
ES 290: The Physics of Earthquakes
In this graduate-level course, we cover modern approaches to earthquake dynamics with a strong emphasis on observational approaches. Rock mechanics, energy budget, friction, seismicity statistics and earthquake interactions form the major units.
Also occasional instructor for ES 190: Earth Sciences Mentorship, 205: Introductory Graduate Seminar, ES 206: Great Papers and other seminars in the department.